Duckmobile v2.0

Sunday, June 18, 2006


OK, so it's been a week since the last blog, but it has been a busy old week! Of course it started with two exams, my last two to be exact, which both went extremely well. Which is nice. Since then, I have spent a ludicrous amount of cash, mostly on drinking. The hangovers have been unforgiving, and my body feels like a train wreck at the moment. I'll have to shape up for tonight's party!

If I was honest, although it has been a week, and I have been celebrating in style, there is very little to report. I've done nothing during the days, and going out every night, although, I have been to the beach once (thoroughly burnt).

My summer is looking pretty difficult. I have no job as of yet and it seems that Shell Step was merely a dream as there are simply no placements available! It will have to be a visit to the local Job Centre when I return to my home town.

Right, well, for now, I shall leave you.


  • It's when you can now longer party for a full week without your body feeling like it's going to die that you know you're getting more mature.

    The solution is clearly to get some slippers and a pipe. Go on, you know you would look pure class with a pipe.

    By Blogger FreeWildebeest, at 21:13  

  • To quote Weezer... I got my hash pipe...

    By Blogger Hadders, at 21:15  

  • there is a job at ernest jones in woking avilialbe as of monday ...

    By Blogger Catchpole, at 17:43  

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